Sunday, January 20, 2008


Well Remy is doing so good. He is such a good baby. Eats, sleeps, poops, and is so cute and snuggley! When we went to his first check up he weighed 9lbs 7oz so he has gained a pound since we left the hospital and passed his birth weight so he is a good eater. Hudson has been so cute with Remy. Yesterday he walked over and said to Remy "I love you baby brother". It makes me so happy to see them interact. Hudson has been such a big helper! Grandma Lil came on Tuesday and it has been so fun to have her here. I'm pretty sure that me and Hudson will have a melt down when she leaves. We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father that everything went good at the hospital and that me and Remy were taken care of. Thank you for all your prayers, they were all answered.

New Pictures !

Friday, January 11, 2008

Baby Remy is here!!!