Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swing, bouncing,and picnic table!

Travis made Hudson a swing today! Hudson, as you can see loved it! He has been out swinging all afternoon in the rain.

My baby is going to be 4 years old in less than two weeks! It is crazy! He also will be going to Pre K this year, he goes everyday for a few hours and rides the bus!

The other morning I walked out of my room to this, 2 cute boys bouncing on their balls! ( You know what I mean I didn't know any way else to say it) Remy has great balance just like Hudson did and still does! It is so fun to see them play and get along, dosen't always happen that way!

They had this picnic table at costco and I couldn't pass it up! Remy looks so big sitting at it. I have to put it away after we us it because Remy thinks it is the new best thing to climb up and stand on. If Hudson had his way he would eat every meal at it!


Jessica said...

We got one of those from Costco too!

Your kids are so cute. Baby model cute. I can't believe how huge Hudson is. Time is flying.

Have fun when you're home!!!

Kateka said...

Bouncing on their balls... ha, ha, ha. Classic.

Brittany Crane said...

Love the swing. What a great idea. WIsh I was in Utah to see you and meet your boys. Your wedding was the last time I saw you.

kassandra said...

Hey JOJO it's KC. I can't believe how big your boys are! Remmy is huge! as always haha. I hope everyone is doing great.