Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kite Flying at El Morro

With school being out due to the school being damaged from the explosion we have been trying to do some fun activites for the kids. Travis has a few days off this week which worked out nice so he could join us. Today we went with our friends the Means to El Morro to fly kites. We have been wanting to do this forever, it was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast!

Hudson flying the kite
Remy loved to hold on to it and would run over to help when ever the kite would go down.

Trying to help get the kite up
Having lunch in the shade with our buddies

Remy being King of the mountian, he would stand their and just yell like he was so awesome. It was pretty funny other than him making me worry most of the time. He thinks he is just as big as his brother and wants to do everything Hudson does. Which is not always the safest thing!

The boy's standing on the pole

I actually joined in on the fun!

Hudson told Travis "I want to jump to you like Nacho does ", I'd say he did a good job!

Travis was nice and started a game of duck, duck, goose! The kids loved it and I think Travis liked it just as much.


Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Looks like fun! Love the nacho jump!

Norine said...

What big boys. Some of these pictures make me nervous but then I remember what good balance Hudson always had and that Remy is probably just as corodinated (sp) as his big brother. What sweet hearts. Looks like you guys had a great time flying the kites. I still want to do that with McCoy. Love you guys.

mardymeans said...

That was so fun!! Really hot, but really fun!!! Remy was so cute climbing on the wall, even though it scared you to death!!