Remy was so excited when he opened his card from Grandma Lil and Papa Lindz and he had a git card to go buy a toy. He had a fun time picking out something and buying it with his card.
Cute boy, during the winter I often refer Remy to my little Puerto rican because he is always saying he is so cold. Poor kid was born in the warmth and lived there long engough to get used to the heat. We are so grateful to have him in our family. He is our goofy, boy. We always get a good laugh with his silly faces and things he says. He is very sweet to everyone around him and his teachers love him!!!
Tea wanted a bite too! And because she is cute and say's please so nice she got her way!
Then we had to let Hudson try!
Tea enjoyed her piece of cake, her and Remy loved it when I gave her them the beaters from the frosting earlier that day! I had to wait to frost the rest of the cake when she was napping she was a little to helpful.
We skyped with my parents while we did presents and cake, I can't wait until they get home in July!!!
We found a little tramp at a sports store by our house that was on sale for cheap. We thought it would be fun to set up in the boy's room during the winter and set it up out on the patio in the summer. Travis set it up in there room while they were asleep so Remy would be suprised when he woke up. He loved it! He jumped for about a hour then said " I am starving lets eat breakfast".
What the heck?! I remember when Remy was first born (well, from the pictures of when you blogged about it from Puerto Rico). I remember Stu and me looked at that particular blog post and we both just gushed at how beautiful your babies were. 4 years?! Time is moving way too fast. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REMY!
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