Sunday, March 8, 2009


Remy did really good on Friday when he was getting his red dot removed! Thank you to all your thoughts and prayers, I was also able to survive! He now just has a little scratch on his face and it looks better everyday! They were able to just cartarize it so they didn't have to do any stiches! I has been so nice to lay him down to sleep and not worry about him bleeding!
Here is Remy playing Mario cart with Hudon on the Wii he has an empty wheel. He will look at the TV and steer just like his brother! It is pretty funny to watch!


Riva said...

Oh my gosh! I am just barely catching up on your blog! Poor Remy! Olivia woke up one morning with blood on her face, (it was a nose bleed) I felt terrible! But alteast they didn't really know what was going on! Also, that is some good documentation by the way!